Open Pseudonymisation Workshop Resources

We held two workshops in Nottingham University involving a large number of organisations interested in developing an open specification for pseudoymisation across the NHS. The presentations for the workshops are below.
If you would like to be involved in further discussions, please email [email protected] with your name, organisation and a short summary of your interest in the topic.

Workshop held on 23rd Apr 2013

Title of presentation


Agenda Julia Hippisley-Cox
Overview of Openpseudonymiser project Julia Hippisley-Cox
Linking THIN to HES – poisoned chalice or holy grail Alison Bourke
Data linkage project TPP/researchOne Samantha Crossfield
HSCIC trusted data linkage service Trevor Anders
DPA obligations and pseudonymisation Dawn Monaghan
CAG perspective Claire Edgeworth

Workshop held on 22nd Sept 2011

Title of presentation


Welcome, introduction and objectives for the day Julia Hippisley-Cox
Session 1: Why Pseudonymisation - current perspectives
Making the Information revolution come true - role of pseudonymisation Ian Herbert (British Computer Society Health)
Patient perspective Terence Wiseman (patient representative NIGB, ECC)
Ethics and Confidentiality Committee (s251) perspective Natasha Dunkley (approvals manager NIGB,ECC)
Legal perspective Mark Taylor(Sheffield Law Dept, NIGB, ECC)
Policy Perspective  - provisional outcomes from the IG workshop David Riley (Information Standards Board)
Session 2: Current technical approaches to pseudonymisation and data linkage
Trust Data Linkage Service (IC/HES) Xanthe Hannah (Information Centre)
Research Capability Programme approach Alan Barcroft (RCP/Dept Health)
General Practice Research Database approach* John Parkinson (GPRD/MHRA)
Sapior Ltd approach Rob Navarro (Sapior)
THIN approach Alison Bourke (THIN)
Royal College of General Practitioners approach Douglas Fleming (RCGP)
Manchester e-Lab project John Ainsworth (Manchester University)
The Open Pseudonymisation project Julia Hippisley-Cox (University of Nottingham & QResearch)

* Presentation not available. Please contact [email protected] directly.